Friday, May 12, 2006

Manifesting Your True Goals

Thoughts are things or in other words; thoughts create. If you truly desire to have a goal, vision or dream manifest, you must begin to think about that "thing" daily. It is important to realize that you can also create things or situations you really don't desire by thinking about them as well. So…monitor your thoughts carefully and only focus your mind on those things you honestly desire for your life experience.

The magic of desire:
Share an example of a time you had a great "desire" for a thing and manifested it through focus and vision.

The power of focus:
Next week
Next month
This year

What is missing in your life right now? What do you most desire and why?

If you're going to think anyway, you may as well think BIG!
~ Donald Trump

Creating and manifesting your dreams is easy and powerful once you understand the formula required:

What action are you taking right now to manifest your true desires to you today?
Be completely honest when answering this statement: The action I've taken towards manifesting my dreams has been: (circle one)

Create an affirmation to assist you in achieving your greatest

Remember; you created today so you will soon create tomorrow. Be sure to create the tomorrow of your dreams.
Where are you committed to focusing your attention? Where has your attention been lately?
What is your true intention? Your true intention will create your heart's greatest desires.
Like a vision you have desires for all aspects of your life. Take a moment & think of your true desires (intentions) for the areas listed below. Now fill in the blanks and list your true desire for each category (Select one or two areas to share with the group)

1. Health & well being; your physical self. Example: Weight loss or gain. Lower blood pressure, cholesterol etc.,

2. Relationships. Love, romance, family, neighbors, friends,
partners, team members.

3. Prosperity. Money to earn, bills to pay, investments, savings

4. Home environment. Buying, selling, renting, remodeling, moving,
designing your dream home & location etc.,

5. Business/Success. Business goals, creation (work) location,
office style, work environment, whom you would most desire to work
(create) with etc.,

6. Hobbies, creative activities, interest etc.,

7. Spirituality, personal discovery, intuitive awareness and soul

8. Travel & fun.

9. Possessions, material things you desire to own.

Creating your true desires takes time and focus. Select two of your
Dreams you will begin to manifest today. As you accomplish one
desire/dream you can come back to your list and begin creating and
focusing on another.

I _______________ commit to focus my time and attention on creating
these two dreams.

I will share my progress in manifesting my dreams with:
Have a Fantastic Week!